About Abhishek Mahajan & His Company

The Arabia Times: Explain your background and your Company in detail.

Abhishek Mahajan: I’m a post graduate with corporate experience of around 20 plus years. I founded this company in 2019 keeping in mind the difficulties people were facing in migrating to other countries and helping them in the correct manner. Our company has expanded its presence to several new locations like (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Czech Republic, Poland and Canada, Sharjah, Delhi, Amritsar).

The Arabia Times: Give us one word that describes you the best.

Abhishek Mahajan: Visionary

The Arabia Times: Could you describe the range of services your company offers to clients interested in immigration and visas?

Abhishek Mahajan: We deal in almost everything which is required from an immigration consultancy be it Permanent Residency, Work permits, Student visas, visit visas, company formation, Business Startups, Citizenship by Investment and so on and so forth.

Abhishek Mahajan’s Unveiling Roots

The Arabia Times: Can you tell us about the history and founding of your company? What inspired you to start this business, particularly in the field of immigration and visas?

Abhishek Mahajan: I was working for an Immigration company in UAE and was helping people fulfill their dream destinations. While you are working for someone else you can’t possibly go the extra mile to advise the clients in the way it is required. So, I thought that I should start my own venture courtesy to my wife Manni who encouraged me to take this bold move.

The Arabia Times: What sets your company apart from other immigration and visa consultants in the market?

Abhishek Mahajan: The purpose of Fly High Abroad was to advise people in the right manner, which wasn’t happening in the current market situation. There were incompetent people serving this industry with no relevant experience and making things difficult for people to migrate to their dream destinations. I made it a point to advice people appropriately no matter if they liked it or not initially. In the end results only matter and we were successful in making people’s dreams into reality.

Path took by Abhishek Mahajan

The Arabia Times: What was the path you took to get to where you are today?

Abhishek Mahajan: I was upfront and honest with my clients. And to keep customers first and doing the need-based selling. Also keeping in mind Mahatma Gandhi’s quote – Customer is God, keep your customer happy to be in Business.

The Arabia Times: How do you ensure that your team stays up to date with the latest immigration laws and regulations, and how does this benefit your clients?

Abhishek Mahajan: Firstly, we hire people who come with extensive experience in the relevant field. Also, there is ongoing training done by subject matter experts so that the team is up to date as per the immigration laws and regulations. We have on boarded Director of Research and Training and Director of Sales and Marketing and Director of Operations who keeps on doing extensive research new tie-ups to stay ahead from others and ultimately getting success for our clients.

The Arabia Times: What is your company’s approach to providing personalized services, especially in helping clients choose their dream destinations?

Abhishek Mahajan: We carefully evaluate the client’s credentials for advising them the right fitment of country of choice and also keeping in mind their needs and wants. We are with the clients’ pre and post landing so that they migrate and settle down easily.

Vision & Challenges faced by Abhishek Mahajan

The Arabia Times: What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome during the journey of your leadership?

Abhishek Mahajan: There haven’t been any challenges as such. Even during COVID times we sailed well. And working on quality instead of quantity keeps you away from hardships. And taking care of your key stake holders – clients, employees and associates can keep you in the momentum of becoming an excellent leader.

The Arabia Times: What is the guiding mission and vision of your company, and how do these principles influence the way you conduct business?

Abhishek Mahajan: Mission: To provide and promote quintessential standards in serving our customers and create the best value proposition for them.

Vision: To bring forth an advanced and integrated model of immigration services with an objective to offer pragmatic solutions to our clientele all over the world.

The Arabia Times: Can you share a success story or a particularly memorable experience where your company made a significant difference in a client’s life through your services?

Abhishek Mahajan: I can’t remember a particular moment because all clients who get success have made a significant difference in their lives. For us every success story is special. To be honest everyday for us is a new success story to be added and keep going.

The Arabia Times: Could you share insights into your company’s customer service philosophy and how you ensure customer satisfaction throughout the immigration process?

Abhishek Mahajan:  First of all, we believe after paying we should be the ones pushing and following up with clients as they are busy in their day-to-day life. So, we, being consultants, must give that extra push to get success and get the documentation completed from clients on right time.

We also ensure to make every client’s dream turn into reality by correctly assessing and advising the right fitment. We stay with the client not only pre landing but post landing so that they have the best-in-class services.

Advice from Abhishek Mahajan

The Arabia Times: Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?

Abhishek Mahajan: One advice that not to be in hurry to fulfil your dream as immigration process takes time and patience is the key when you decide to pursue your immigration goal.

Giving Feathers to everyone’s Dreams that’s Fly High Abroad. We say Immigration means – Fly High Abroad.

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