Anya Cheng, the visionary behind, delves into the art of fostering confidence through eco-conscious fashion in an exclusive interview with The Arabia Times. She elaborates on Taelor’s core objective: empowering individuals through tailor-made styling solutions, tailored to fit diverse needs such as professional interviews and romantic encounters. By introducing a clothing rental subscription model augmented by AI, Taelor strives to prolong the lifespan of apparel, thus advancing sustainability. Cheng underscores the significance of self-assurance in forging meaningful connections and underscores Taelor’s dedication to liberating customers from incessant shopping. Furthermore, she shares insights on promoting sustainability while ensuring customer satisfaction, fostering an inclusive environment for all stakeholders. Cheng concludes by spotlighting Taelor’s competitive edge, driven by its unparalleled personalization and unwavering commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship.

Boosting Self-Assurance

We initiated the interview with the question, “Could you recount an instance where you assisted someone in enhancing their confidence in their appearance? How did you approach this?”

Anya Cheng shared, “One memorable experience involved a client gearing up for a crucial job interview. A recent graduate in North Carolina, he was transitioning from a laid-back work environment to a corporate one and felt unsure about presenting himself appropriately. Through collaborative efforts with his stylist, he ultimately landed a position as a Data Scientist at a prominent tech firm in the Bay Area.

Another scenario where individuals often seek assistance in bolstering their appearance confidence is in the realm of dating. Research by Banana Republic suggests that 67% of daters fret over their attire for dates, and studies, such as those published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, indicate that well-dressed daters receive 27% more likes and messages. Danny is a case in point — we assisted him in refining his dating wardrobe for a photoshoot for his dating profile. Consequently, he successfully secured a date!

This concern resonates with many, and it’s precisely where Taelor excels, offering tailored styling services to meet individual needs. How does Taelor’s men’s clothing rental subscription operate? It begins with customers signing up and completing a style questionnaire, enabling Taelor’s expert stylists and AI to curate a bespoke selection of garments based on the customer’s size, style preferences, and upcoming engagements. The meticulously curated clothes, cleaned and primed for wear, are then shipped directly to the customer. They can enjoy these pieces for weeks, with the option to return or purchase them at a discounted rate. Upon returning the items, customers receive a fresh shipment, ensuring their wardrobe remains dynamic and up-to-date. Given its rental model, many customers venture into new styles, discovering a newfound confidence after their transformation.”

Nurturing Connections

The Arabia Times:  How do you believe that having personal confidence improves the quality of interactions and connections with others?

Anya Cheng shared, “Confidence serves as the bedrock for meaningful interactions and building genuine connections. It speaks volumes without uttering a word, conveying a deep sense of self-assurance. In the realm of fashion, Taelor clothing goes beyond mere trends. Customers don’t just seek to be fashionable; they desire a look that embodies sophistication, professionalism, and refinement. This preference reflects a desire to exude style with subtlety, avoiding the pitfalls of ostentation. Taelor achieves this balance through a synergy of human stylists and AI technology, ensuring that customers radiate confidence while staying true to themselves. Ultimately, Taelor’s goal is to empower individuals to embody their true essence with authenticity and grace.”

Unlocking Benefits

The Arabia Times: How might sustainable fashion positively influence both individuals and the environment?

Anya Cheng shares, ‘Sustainable fashion marks a pivotal shift in clothing production, consumption, and mentality. Its benefits radiate across environmental, economic, and societal spheres, nurturing not only our planet but also individuals and communities. Many of our patrons express satisfaction in knowing they contribute to waste reduction while enhancing their appearance. At Taelor, our approach ensures each garment experiences a meaningful life cycle, being rented multiple times before being sold as like-new pre-owned items. Moreover, our robust data aids fashion enterprises in crafting items aligned with genuine consumer desires. By collaborating with eco-conscious brands utilizing innovative materials like recycled coffee grounds and plastic buttons, we further solidify our commitment to sustainability.”

Staying Abreast of Sustainable Fashion Trends

The Arabia Times: Keeping up-to-date with sustainable fashion trends is crucial. How do you ensure you remain abreast of these trends, and how would you incorporate this knowledge into your responsibilities at

Anya Cheng shared, “Staying ahead of sustainable fashion trends demands a multifaceted strategy that includes ongoing education, collaboration with industry peers, and embracing cutting-edge technology. At Taelor, we’ve built an expansive network encompassing over 300 fashion brands, fostering a dynamic environment for knowledge sharing. We’re fortunate to count esteemed strategic investors among our supporters, including industry giants like Lululemon, Nike, Hugo Boss, and Uniqlo, along with guidance from a Board Member associated with a leading circular economic foundation.

As active participants in the startup ecosystem, we’re deeply engaged in pioneering sustainable practices, business models, and technological advancements. Yet, our role extends beyond mere observation; we’re trendsetters in our own right. By harnessing innovative data analytics, we evaluate garment durability and utilize AI to identify trends and glean valuable insights. As the driving force behind Taelor, it’s crucial for us to integrate this intelligence into our platform, ensuring that we not only offer stylish and relevant choices to our customers but also steadfastly uphold our commitment to sustainability.”

Exploring Innovative Approaches to Prolong Garment Durability

The Arabia Times: Detail a scenario where you creatively prolonged the lifespan of a piece of clothing. What were the results, and what important insights did you gain from the process?

Anya Cheng shared, “Central to our company’s mission is a dedication to extending the lifespan of clothing. We encourage brands to craft garments with lasting wear in mind, aligning with the principles of slow fashion. Utilizing inventive strategies, we promote the reuse of each piece through multiple rentals, benefiting both the environment and our customers. Our use of state-of-the-art technology enables advanced cleaning techniques to uphold durability, complemented by rigorous inspections to guarantee that each item meets our high quality standards before being reintroduced into circulation.”

Cultivating Confidence Sustainably

The Arabia Times: How can you actively support the values of and inspire customers to embrace their true selves without relying on constant shopping?

Anya Cheng shared, “At, we are deeply committed to our core principles, dedicated to empowering our customers to exude confidence in the days ahead. Our approach to styling transcends mere selection from a shipment; our stylists meticulously curate versatile combinations, offering three complete looks to equip clients for upcoming occasions and bolster their self-assurance.

With our extensive range of premium-quality items and innovative rental system, each garment has the opportunity to be cherished by multiple individuals. This not only enables customers to embrace their unique style but also contributes significantly to reducing overconsumption. Furthermore, should a customer form a strong attachment to a particular piece, they have the option to purchase gently used, second-hand clothing, ensuring its continued appreciation and wear for years to come.”

Addressing Customer Discontent in Products

The Arabia Times: How might you handle a scenario where a customer remains dissatisfied with their appearance despite using products from

Anya Cheng shared, “When a customer expresses dissatisfaction with their appearance while wearing products, we approach it with a blend of empathy, attentive listening, and customized solutions to address their concerns. Leading this effort is our experienced customer service lead, who brings valuable insights from managing customer service at eBay. We thoroughly review all customer feedback during our weekly executive meetings, constantly refining our approach to ensure exceptional service.

Operating on a rental subscription model, our service enables customers to explore a diverse range of items and return any unwanted pieces. Each shipment includes five items, allowing customers to enjoy and utilize four while returning the one that doesn’t meet their expectations. Ahead of each subsequent shipment, customers can provide feedback to their personal stylists, ensuring a more tailored selection for their next delivery.

In cases of significant dissatisfaction, customers can contact our customer service team for assistance. Additionally, our AI system quickly adapts to individual preferences, refining its curation approach within weeks to better align with users’ tastes as they engage more with This feature is designed to progressively reduce instances of customer dissatisfaction over time, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.”

Anya Cheng’s Past Ventures

The Arabia Times: Could you please share some examples of initiatives or projects you’ve participated in that foster confidence-building or promote sustainability in your past positions?

Anya Cheng shared, “Over the past ten years, my focus has been on empowering individuals who are striving for excellence in their careers. I encourage them to leverage their strengths to cultivate confidence and resilience in the face of adversity. Along this journey, I’ve been privileged to deliver two inspiring TED Talks and author two bestselling books. Drawing from my background in journalism and my own experiences navigating the challenging job market during the Great Recession, I’ve gained invaluable insights.

From patiently waiting outside office buildings to secure meetings with hiring managers, to utilizing volunteer opportunities for networking at conferences, and even proactively reaching out to executives of major corporations, I’ve embraced unconventional methods to seize opportunities. My passion stems from a profound desire to inspire and enable others to unlock their full potential.

My co-founder, Phoebe Tan, shares my deep commitment to sustainability, making her a highly sought-after speaker at events centered on circular fashion and sustainability. Our investor, Sean Chao, serves as a Board Member for a foundation dedicated to circular economics. At Taelor, we actively seek out sustainable brands, curating products like clothing made from recycled plastic bottles and coffee grounds.”

Juggling Customer Contentment

The Arabia Times: How do you balance customer satisfaction with environmental considerations in your product or service offerings?

Anya Cheng responded, “In our pursuit of customer satisfaction while also addressing environmental impacts at, we strike a careful balance. We prioritize quality and longevity in our clothing choices, favoring items that can be rented out multiple times rather than buying in excess. This rental model significantly reduces the need for new garment production, lessening our environmental footprint. Additionally, we collaborate closely with fashion suppliers, offering detailed feedback to guide future collections toward consumer preferences, thus minimizing waste.”

Personal Style and Self-Expression

The Arabia Times: Can you discuss the intersection of personal style and self-expression? How does this fusion align with the mission of

Anya Cheng shared, “The intricate interplay between personal style and self-expression serves as a powerful form of non-verbal communication, enabling individuals to convey their identity, emotions, and values without speaking a word. Take, for example, our diverse range of clients: a furniture designer seeking attire that reflects their design philosophy, a middle-aged individual aiming to exude youthful energy in social situations, and another person longing for clothing that quietly asserts, “Though unassuming at first glance, my style demands attention upon closer inspection.”

Personal style goes beyond mere clothing; it is a carefully crafted expression of one’s essence, molded by life experiences, ambitions, and the cultural context. In today’s age, sustainability significantly influences individuals’ self-perception. By embracing sustainable fashion, empowers its clients to authentically express themselves with integrity, aligning their outward appearance with their inner values.”

Nurturing Inclusivity and Equality

The Arabia Times: At, prioritizing the establishment of a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for both customers and team members is fundamental.

Anya Cheng shared, “At, our purpose is to embolden our clientele, equipping them with the assurance to embrace each day with vigor. Through steadfast advocacy, we empower them to conquer obstacles and realize their ambitions. With a history of guiding individuals, particularly those facing hurdles due to lack of representation, we stand as a steadfast wellspring of encouragement.

From prestigious gatherings like the Disney Premier, Oscars, Grammys, MLS games, and Cannes red carpet, to shaping career trajectories in fields like data science, interior design, and law, we are committed to transforming our clients’ aspirations into tangible achievements.

When it comes to our team, we prioritize placing them in roles where they can truly flourish. Founded by two minority women, Taelor takes pride in the fact that 67% of our workforce identifies as women, with 8% as non-binary. Additionally, 75% of our staff hail from diverse backgrounds, encompassing Asian, African American, and Latin American individuals. We actively seek vendors founded by minorities and ensure our models represent a spectrum of ages, ethnicities, and body types.

Furthermore, we cater to a diverse range of customer sizes, offering options from S to 2XL, and maintain a waitlist for sizes beyond our current range. Our dedication to inclusivity is ingrained in every facet of our operations, ensuring that every interaction with leaves individuals feeling esteemed and supported.”

Sustaining Competitive Advantage Amid Market Dynamics

Finally, we inquired, “In a scenario where a new rival emerges with a similar mission but a different approach, how should uphold its distinctive value proposition and competitive edge?”

“Our strategy revolves around ‘Personalization at Scale,’ harnessing advanced data analytics and AI to provide unmatched levels of personalized styling services. This ensures each customer feels uniquely attended to, setting us apart from competitors. Our investment in AI isn’t merely about cost reduction; it’s about elevating customer satisfaction while responsibly expanding our reach.

Taelor’s AI functions as the ultimate ‘Outfit of the Day Advisor & Inventory Predictor,’ delivering distinct advantages for both consumers and fashion brands:

For consumers: Our AI customizes recommendations based on individual preferences, facilitating effortless outfit selection tailored to occasions, personal style, and current trends. Additionally, it encourages users to explore new styles, fostering a dynamic fashion experience.

For fashion brands and beyond: We lead in Inventory Prediction technology, offering valuable insights that enable brands to anticipate customer preferences, optimize inventory, and tailor offerings to meet evolving demands, driving business growth and enhancing satisfaction.

The apparel market, valued at $400 billion, includes a rapidly growing circular fashion segment, expanding at 23% annually—11 times faster than traditional retail. This growth signifies vast potential for innovation and expansion in this domain.

Considerable untapped opportunity exists within circular fashion, and we welcome new entrants. Increased competition not only spurs innovation but also educates consumers about sustainability.

For instance, Rent the Runway and Nuuly illustrate the potential for growth in rental subscriptions. Nuuly’s rapid journey to profitability, attracting new rental customers, highlights circular fashion’s promise for success.

Ultimately, new entrants in circular fashion expand opportunities for innovation, sustainability, and consumer engagement.” – Anya Cheng

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